Holland Deacons' Conference

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Welcoming and Supporting New Neighbors

If you want to better understand how you can support refugees and others who are new to our country, we encourage you to attend an upcoming immigration seminar at Providence Christian Reformed Church on the evening of March 23. Movement West Michigan is facilitating this seminar in partnership with Lighthouse Immigration Advocates. Sarah Yore-Van Oosterhout, Esq. will guide participants through an interactive presentation about the logistics, complexities, and joys of immigration.

As you may know, refugees, paroles, and asylum seekers all have very different journeys towards stability into our community! We want to ensure the faith community is well-equipped with helpful legal information to welcome our new neighbors into the Holland/Zeeland area.

Please mark your calendars for March 23rd from 6-8 pm at Providence Christian Reformed Church! You can RSVP here any time before March 20th. Feel free to spread the word to your own friends and church networks with the link and/or flyer below! We'd love to see as many as possible come to learn about the immigrant journey and possible ways to support our new neighbors.